Merkur perFEKT Challenge (FEEC BUT) | Author: Jakub Rozboud
The super-final of the Merkur perFEKT Challenge 2025 took place on Tuesday 28 January 2025 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of BUT. Nine high school teams had just five hours to create a "flower well-being meter". With the help of Merkur kit and electrical components, the lab created not only functional but often humorous projects - from flower diagnostic centres to a device that expresses a plant's watering status using coloured lights.

Final of the Merkur PerFEKT Challenge 2025 (FEEC BUT). | Author: Jakub Rozboud
In the end, the Merkur Traveling Cup went to the Back to Back team from the Vyšší odborné školy, Střední průmyslové školy a Jazykové školy s právem státní jazykové zkoušky from Kutná Hora. The team finished off the podium in last year's final and now, in their own words, have "returned" (hence the name Back) to win the cup this year.
Ranking of the awarded teams:
Congratulations and thanks to the other teams for their commitment:
Elektrikáři z Duky (SPŠSE České Budějovice)
Light emitting resistors v2 (SPŠ Trutnov)
Mrazák (SPŠE Ječná, Praha)
Stark Industries (SPŠEI Mohelnice)
Třiplusjedna (SŠ Edvarda Beneše Břeclav)
The competition, organized by Pavel Šteffan from Department of Microelectronics, with the help of Veronika Junasová and Pavel Tomíček, showed that even under time pressure, young engineers can come up with creative and functional solutions. The event was supported by major technology companies such as Thermo Fisher Scientific, NXP Semiconductors, onsemi, ABB, E.ON, Honeywell, TESCAN, as well as Forvia Hella, Miele and TES, which only confirms the growing interest of the industry in young technical talent.
Photos from this year's superfinal can be found on our Facebook page.
You can find the order of the teams from last year's competition here.
Thank you not only to the organizers and participating students, but also to their teachers who are dedicated to technical education in their schools !
The finalists of the Merkur perFEKT Challenge designed wellbeing meters for plants

Merkur perFEKT Challenge (FEEC BUT) | Author: Jakub Rozboud
The super-final of the Merkur perFEKT Challenge 2025 took place on Tuesday 28 January 2025 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of BUT. Nine high school teams had just five hours to create a "flower well-being meter". With the help of Merkur kit and electrical components, the lab created not only functional but often humorous projects - from flower diagnostic centres to a device that expresses a plant's watering status using coloured lights.

Final of the Merkur PerFEKT Challenge 2025 (FEEC BUT). | Author: Jakub Rozboud
In the end, the Merkur Traveling Cup went to the Back to Back team from the Vyšší odborné školy, Střední průmyslové školy a Jazykové školy s právem státní jazykové zkoušky from Kutná Hora. The team finished off the podium in last year's final and now, in their own words, have "returned" (hence the name Back) to win the cup this year.
Ranking of the awarded teams:
- Back to Back – VOŠ, SPŠ a JŠ Kutná Hora.
- DPA110 – Střední škola – Centrum odborné přípravy technické Kroměříž.
- Cívka jako dívka – Střední průmyslová škola Zlín.
The Special Jury Prize was awarded to the team Spojaři from Střední škola spojů a informatiky Tábor.
Congratulations and thanks to the other teams for their commitment:
Elektrikáři z Duky (SPŠSE České Budějovice)
Light emitting resistors v2 (SPŠ Trutnov)
Mrazák (SPŠE Ječná, Praha)
Stark Industries (SPŠEI Mohelnice)
Třiplusjedna (SŠ Edvarda Beneše Břeclav)
The competition, organized by Pavel Šteffan from Department of Microelectronics, with the help of Veronika Junasová and Pavel Tomíček, showed that even under time pressure, young engineers can come up with creative and functional solutions. The event was supported by major technology companies such as Thermo Fisher Scientific, NXP Semiconductors, onsemi, ABB, E.ON, Honeywell, TESCAN, as well as Forvia Hella, Miele and TES, which only confirms the growing interest of the industry in young technical talent.
Photos from this year's superfinal can be found on our Facebook page.
You can find the order of the teams from last year's competition here.
Thank you not only to the organizers and participating students, but also to their teachers who are dedicated to technical education in their schools !
Responsible person | Ing. Zdeňka Koubová |
Date of publication |