Accounts and Passwords

Several user accounts identified by a login name and password are created for all users at FEEC. The same login name (or in some cases at least its basis supplemented by a common prefix or suffix, as will be specified in the descriptions of individual accounts) is used for all these accounts. The passwords are also synchronized with each other by default. Therefore, it is usually enough to remember the account data in the BUT Information System (BUT IS), and users do not have to pay attention to the other differences between the remaining accounts.

Specifically, these accounts are:

This set of accounts is completely identical for all user groups at FEEC (students, doctoral students and staff), but in certain details, there are still some minor differences between user groups.

The rights and obligations associated with the use of user accounts are specified in the BUT Computer Network Operation Rules, that are mandatory for entire BUT.

Description of Individual Accounts

BUT IS Account

You will use it mainly for logging into school-wide applications (BUT Intraportal, StudIS, e-learning, …) or into other systems integrated with BUT IS (e.g., Dormitories and Canteens IS for electronic registration at dormitories). The login name for this account is usually referred to as a BUTlogin and the password as a BUTpassword.

It should be possible for users with a BUTlogin different from a personal number to use a personal number instead of a BUTlogin to log in.

BUT IS Account for External Services

For security reasons, some applications and systems used at BUT are only loosely connected to BUT IS and therefore also use a separate password which is a BUTpin. Unlike most other passwords, it is not possible to set your own BUTpin, but it is necessary to have it generated. Its current value and the remaining time validity can be determined in the same way as when changing a BUTpin, with the exception of the change itself.

External services that require a BUTpin instead of a BUTpassword, include in particular BUT VPN and Wi-Fi network incl. the Eduroam network.

Active Directory (AD) Account

You usually use it to log on to computers in classrooms and in the library. By default, the AD password is synchronized with the BUTpassword, and the login name is derived according to the BUTlogin. If a user is not assigned the BUTlogin (it should not happen in the case of FEEC users), the login name is derived directly from the personal number. The AD username also contains a prefix or suffix that specifies the AD domain in which the account exists. On Windows computers at FEEC, the domain is pre-set, so it is usually not necessary to enter it. However, if it is sometimes necessary to enter the username in a qualified format, it can be entered either in the format VUTBR\123456 (i.e., including NetBIOS domain) or in the format (as the so-called UPN); the examples apply to username 123456.

You can also find more information about accounts and passwords in AD in the Active Directory Manuals.

Cloud Services Accounts

You will use them to log into some cloud services available within BUT. Both Office 365 and Google Apps accounts follow the similar rules as AD accounts: Passwords are always the same as passwords for AD accounts, and the username base is derived according to the same rules. The only difference from accounts in AD is that their usernames must always be entered in a qualified format (to distinguish the accounts of other organizations that also use the same cloud services). They are therefore entered in the same format as the UPN described above, i.e., (Here too the domain may be pre-set in some cases, but this should be intuitively obvious from the login format.)

Cloud services available at BUT are described in more detail in the Cloud Services section at the BUT Intraportal where you will also find links to other instructions for them.

Differences Between User Groups

Student Accounts

The user accounts described above are created automatically for FEEC students at the beginning of their studies. First, students set their BUT password using the so-called initial password which they receive together with the relevant instructions within the e-application for study. (In the case of multiple applications, several initial passwords can be generated and then any of them can be used.) The initial password is entered for this purpose together with the birth registration number/code in an alternative application form available via the link I’m a new student and I only have initial password under the standard login format for logging into the BUT Intraportal. Next, the initial password can no longer be used, but it is still recommended to keep it safe in case you need to have your BUTpassword reset.

From the academic year 2021/2022 onwards, BUT entrants are assigned usernames identical with their personal number (you can find them, for example, in the e-application, on the student card, in the documents issued by BUT, ...). However, current students retain their current usernames which consist of the letter x, five characters of their surname (possibly supplemented by their first name) and two other distinguishing characters, e.g., xjmeno13.

Access to the academic computer network is tied to university study or employment relationship with BUT. Upon graduation, the student loses the right of access. The decisive moment is when the record of graduation is entered into BUT IS. This may mean that you will need to copy some of your data in time. Access to BUT IS remains the same, but there will be a restriction of access rights to the parts that are accessible only during university study. Access to some cloud services (at least Office 365 and Google Apps) remains the same, but there may be a restricted license, which may affect the availability of some applications. Access to BUT e-mail will be provided too.

Doctoral Student Accounts

Doctoral student accounts are identical to other students’ accounts, see the Student Accounts section. (Besides, they have access to Apollo IS, which, however, is part of BUT IS, so a BUT IS account is necessary to log in here.)

The doctoral students who have previously studied at FEEC are left with their student account from their previous studies, while the other doctoral students have their accounts created automatically after enrolment.

An employment account can be created for doctoral students in an employment relationship and in exceptional and justified cases. However, after the transition of FEEC to BUT mail, this means just a change of the BUTlogin to the format used for Employee Accounts. The employee account for doctoral students is possible to create on request in the same way as for the employee accounts. Existing BUT mail aliases derived according to the current BUTlogin will be retained.

Employee Accounts

Unlike student accounts, employee accounts are not created automatically. These accounts are based on an employment relationship (including its registration in SAP). A new employee will receive the login details during a face-to-face appointment with the verified ISAD employee after proving their identity.

For employee accounts, usernames are derived according to the user’s surname (and possibly also the first name) and are created manually when setting up the account. The choice of the username format can be influenced due to collision with existing usernames.

Employee accounts may also differ from student accounts, for example, in the scope of rights in BUT IS and the type of licenses allocated in cloud services (not all these parameters are always “higher”). Rights and licenses are set automatically according to the current relationships of the user to parts of BUT, so the only difference of a more permanent nature is the format of the above-described username.

Password Change

When changing the password, we recommend checking the keyboard layout (English vs. Czech), otherwise the entered password may contain characters that you may not be able to re-enter later. Similarly, you may want to check the keyboard status (Caps Lock, Num Lock, …).

The following instructions apply when a user knows their current password and wants to change it. If you forget your password, follow the instructions in the Invalid Password section below.

BUTpassword (BUT IS Password)

A BUT password can be changed after logging into the BUT Intraportal by selecting the Change the BUT Password item in the menu with the user icon (on the top bar on the right, in the form of a bust, or followed by the username).


A BUTpin can be generated after logging into the BUT Intraportal by selecting the BUTpin item in the menu with the user icon (on the top bar on the right, in the form of a bust, or followed by the username). A BUTpin can only be generated, it cannot be set according to your own choice.

AD Password (Active Directory Password)

By default, an AD password is synchronized with the BUTpassword, and its change is possible only by Changing the BUTpassword.

Users who have disabled the AD password automatic synchronization with the BUTpassword have the option to change the separate AD password independently, or they can enable the synchronization again in the BUT Domain Password Settings, which can also be accessed the link below the form on the BUTpassword Change page.

Cloud Services Passwords

Passwords for both Office 365 and Google Apps accounts are always the same as the AD password. Therefore, for most users (who have not disabled the AD password synchronization with the BUTpassword), changing it is possible only by Changing the BUTpassword. Other users (with an independent AD password) must use the AD Password Change procedure instead.

Invalid Password

In case of a forgotten or invalid password, it is necessary to contact the relevant administrator, who can change the password. The password will be changed only after proof of identity (personal verification that the applicant is an authorized user of the account). A valid student/employee ID card or other official document with the holder’s name and photo is sufficient to prove identity.

It is not possible to change the password remotely (by telephone, e-mail, etc.).

Authorized Staff

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